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Changes to the FORS scheme

Aug 22, 2022

Changes to the FORS scheme place new emphasis on the offside blind spot, with updated guidance for right-hand drive vehicles.

The Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme (FORS) is a voluntary accreditation scheme for fleet operators which aims to raise the level of quality within the transport business, and demonstrate which operators are achieving exemplary levels of best practice in safety, efficiency and environmental protection.

As of the 1st of July 2022, Version 6 has been applicable and new requirements have been released for achieving FORS accreditation at Bronze, Silver and Gold levels.

Previously, schemes such as FORS and the Direct Vision Standard (DVS) have focussed on protecting vulnerable road users on the nearside of the vehicle, but new updates suggest that the offside blind spot is also a concern. The FORS scheme now recommends that operators fit nearside and offside cameras, with rigid vehicles over 7.5 tonnes being required to fit additional rear camera systems.

The development towards all round vision can be achieved with Brigade’s Backeye®360, an intelligent camera monitor system designed to assist low-speed manoeuvring by providing the driver with a complete surround view of the vehicle in real-time.

The four-camera technology is designed to eliminate vehicle blind spots and assist manoeuvrability in challenging situations by providing the driver with a complete 360-degree view of their vehicle in a real-time single image.

Another change in the specification requires operators of right-hand drive vehicles to fit an additional audible alert for when turning right. Previously the guidance was to fit nearside audible alerts for left turning vehicles. The nearside blind spot was considered the most dangerous for vulnerable road users.

At Silver level, operators are encouraged to fit cameras that are “able to digitally record incidents and assist in driver training and development”.

Brigade’s Mobile Digital Recording (MDR) systems capture footage from vehicle-mounted cameras to both encourage driver best practice and provide evidence in the case of an incident.

At Gold level, the highest FORS specification, operators must review the fleet operation to improve road safety and efficiency. They must evaluate sustainable ways of working, including how technology can optimise operations.

BRIDGE Cloud Services uses MDR systems to capture footage from up to 16 vehicle-mounted cameras, providing live insights to help improve efficiency, safety and reduce costs for fleet managers.

BRIDGE uses 4G connectivity to allow data to be accessed from the recorder anytime, anywhere, without having to physically go to the vehicle. This allows a fleet manager to remotely monitor vehicle operations in real-time and advise the driver if something has gone wrong, meaning the vehicle does not have to use up time and fuel to drive back to the depot to obtain footage.

 To find out more about the FORS specifications and how Brigade Electronics can assist you in making your fleet compliant, contact us today and speak to our dedicated team.

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